Spanish Aquí Presents

Hot Mental Health Summer (w/ Lennon Parham)

Episode Summary

<p>As the Fourth of July draws near, the SAP crew opens up about what the Cuban and Colombian Independence Days mean to them. Later on, Lennon Parham talks about falling in “friend love” with Jessica St. Clair and tells her story of being rejected by the Blue Man Group.</p> <p>Follow The SAP Crew on instagram! </p> <p>@spanishaquipresents</p> <p>@raizalicea</p> <p>@ofcourseitscarlos</p> <p>@ozzymo</p> <p>@thetonyrodrig </p>

Episode Notes

As the Fourth of July draws near, the SAP crew opens up about what the Cuban and Colombian Independence Days mean to them. Later on, Lennon Parham talks about falling in “friend love” with Jessica St. Clair and tells her story of being rejected by the Blue Man Group.

Follow The SAP Crew on instagram!




